Date: 27 FEB - 3 MAR 2022 Location: ICC, ABUJA - NIGERIA SWYI, official EDUCATION…

Do you have a PRODUCT or SERVICE to share with the Energy Sector in Nigeria?
Book a Commercial Presentation Session
These sessions will run in the Workshop Arena within the Exhibition Grounds.
Limited slots available – BOOK NOW!

- 30mins | 45mins | 60mins sessions
- Present to potential clients
- International reach
- Be part of something bigger
- You have something great to offer!

To request a booking for the sessions, kindly answer the questions below:

The Commercial Presentation sessions are priced at $2,500 +VAT (USD) for a 30mins slot in the Workshop Arena – which is within the Exhibition. This price includes one Delegate Pass for the summit, which we strongly recommend to increase your commercial presence through participation and networking.
Please see event website for details of the main event:
Once your request is received, you will be contacted you to finalise arrangements and arrange payments to confirm your booking. If you are listed with SWYI Directory, you get a discount of 10% for the above.